A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants intellectual degrees at all, levels in a selection of subjects. A university provides together tertiary and quaternary education. The word university is resultant from the Latin universities magistrorum ET scholarium, roughly importance community of teachers and scholars. The funding and organization of universities is very different in different countries around the world. In some countries universities are primarily funded by the state, while in others funding may come from donors or from fees which students’ presence the university must pay. In some countries the vast majority of students attends university in their local town, while in other countries universities attract students from all over the world, and may provide university space for their students.
The Carnegie Basic Classification system distinguishes between institutions on the basis of the prevalence of degrees they grant. As the names of their categories designate names indicate, the Carnegie Foundation considers the granting of master's degrees necessary, though not sufficient, for an institution to be classified as a university.
The Carnegie Basic Classification system distinguishes between institutions on the basis of the prevalence of degrees they grant. As the names of their categories designate names indicate, the Carnegie Foundation considers the granting of master's degrees necessary, though not sufficient, for an institution to be classified as a university.
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